Sunday, January 23, 2011

Small Bites!

While I've been a bad girl for not blogging my activities as much as I'd like, I am still adhering to a few simple rules:

1. 2 hours of FREE activity during the day (dancing while cleaning, crunches while watching tv, freeweights in bed, bi/tri curling while on phone etc).

2. timed eating bouts (830 breakfast, 1000 snack, 1230 lunch, 1430 snack,1830 dinner, 2000 snack)

3. Minimal 8 glasses of water ( I drink more because I do the sauna at the gym)

4. 1 alternating class a week (Yoga seems the flavor lately)

Now i've added a new partner to the trend. For every bite of food I eat (except for breads and BADFORME foods- i'll explain in a bit), I chew a maximum of fifty times before I swallow. Breads are broken down by salivary enzymes so it's impossible to chew it 50 times so for bread I go to 25.

The BADFORME foods tend to break down just like bread- right in the mouth. I'm talking about cakes, cookies, and chips- after about 10 chews they become a watery mush of what once looked and smelled appetizing. It would seem that this new habit might solve the problem of why I was so big in the first place. Patience is key here - so far I'm in day 4 of this new habit- and the scale seems pretty happy with my decision.

Since today is Sunday, I'm gonna go ahead and buy more foods that I can add to my fifty chew list- foods that won't break down as fast and requires me to chew and chew until i've had my fill.

Try it- you'll thank me later!

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